
Monday, December 20, 2010

'Friday Night Lights' Latest From TV Guide

Question: While Friday Night Lights continues to be one of my favorite shows, despite the recent Jerry Springer moment at Julie's dorm, I feel kind of gypped about Landry. Last we saw him, Julie left him getting drunk at The Landing Strip the day before he was to leave for college. Is that it? That's the ending we get for him? While he wasn't as centralized a character as Matt Saracen, he was no less loved by us, the fans, and speaking as a fan, I say he deserves better than J.D. McCoy and Santiago. Please tell me if you know anything about him or any of the other moved-ons coming back during these precious last few episodes. I have a feeling we might be seeing Tim Riggins out early for good behavior at the very least. — Gene

Matt Roush: You should know by now that this column isn't the best place to come for spoilers, but here's our most recent story about what to expect as Friday Night Lights winds down. You will see Landry again, along with many other beloved characters, before the final chapter is written. (And oh how I wish it didn't have to be.) But to address your criticism, one of the things I most appreciate about FNL is that it doesn't give all of its characters "endings." Landry has moved on, and life goes on in Dillon without him. That's kind of how it works in the real world, and I can think of few shows that feel more real than this one. I'm glad he's coming back before it's all over so we can learn how he's faring — surely better than Julie Taylor — but I like some things being left to the imagination. With Friday Night Lights, I'm not sure how much closure I'm going to be able to stand.

Source: TV Guide